“The real point of our business is allowing you to create experiences on your lawn...”

—Cullen Beard, Owner

Fungus & Disease

get lawn spray services from Personal Lawn Care for a nice yard in Memphis

Guardian of the Green: What Lawn Spray Can Do for You

You see them all over TV, hear about them from your green-thumbed neighbor, and know you need to have a bottle or two in your garage — but what is lawn spray and what can it do for you? The answer is somewhat complicated, but in today’s post we are going to go over some…

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Common Lawn Diseases During Fall In Memphis

Fall is almost over and winter is just around the corner – what’s the status of your lawn care? There are common lawn diseases to look out for that might start during the fall and continue through winter into early spring. One variable that allows these diseases to occur is the type of grass that…

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Fungus and Diseases

Your lawn can get “sick” just like any other organism. For turfgrass, this usually comes in the form of fungus, rust, or mold / mildew (yes, like you get in your shower). Some turf types are more susceptible to diseases than others, and watering improperly will add to turf susceptibility. Once you notice disease issues,…

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